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The Witch's Son

The witches call her witch.

As she walked the village, the sea of market women parted.

With her head held high, how does one woman evoke such fear?

Maybe it's the riches the chief gained after he brought her to the village as his new wife.

Riches rumoured to have been gained via the the missing children.

His cruelty and firm rule never allowed anything to grow on his compound.

But she brought success.

The witch who stood by the water and commanded more crop to grow.

She danced in the fire and more cattle were born.

The lives taken brought blood curses, and with every child she bore, he grew more wicked.

She asked her spirits to bless her with a final son.

The bond breaker.

The witches son.

Born into hell but destined to face heaven.

- As I've been thinking about the longer format stories I want to write, I've struggled to find a topic. As Ghanaians, actually Africans in general, we are extremely spiritually sound. You'll rarely meet someone who doesn't have a story of extreme faith or ancestors who practiced traditional witchcraft. My recent trip home brought many things to light, and oddly gave me a topic I wanted to touch on. I'm going to keep working on the witch's son plus a few other things.

But I wanted to share just a piece of the process. The beginning of my brainstorm.

I welcome all feedback (yikes, but make it nice lol)

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